Advantages of Having a Commercial Roof Hatch
Our inventory includes roof hatches which are specifically designed to provide fast, dependable, safe, and efficient access to your roof. Each commercial roof hatch comes already equipped with a ladder or stair access, depending on which design makes more sense for the layout of your space. We also offer other types of access doors for your interior space as well.
Our options include different types of access that conform to your particular space. These options include ladder access, ship-stair access, and service-stair access. You can also specify certain features for your final choice, such as whether or not the hatch is made of glass or solid. The glass hatch lends a lovely skylight effect to the finished look.
Benefits of an Acudor Roof Hatch
If you choose an Acudor roof hatch, you can be certain you're getting top-of-the-line quality. Acudor has emerged over the past two decades as a well-known, reliable brand, used by contractors, architects, engineers, and even homeowners who need top-quality products. Rely on our specialists to ensure you select the roof hatch option that best meets the needs of your building.